Beginner Skateboarder Gift Ideas.
Shopping for a new, amateur or beginning skateboarder can be difficult. Often new skaters don't even know what skateboarding gear and equipment to buy! Hopefully this list of Beginner Skateboarder Gift Ideas will help. great for anything from Christmas to Birthday
Skateboarding gifts - the easiest gift idea would be a brand new skateboard, right? For a a great beginner skateboard, try Angelboy skateboards or termite boards- these usually cost around $60 for the complete skateboard, are all aimed at kids, and are well built. Postiv is also a good brand. Whatever you do, do NOT buy random complete no-name skateboards from a superstore or flea market. Most of these boards are very poorly made, and will give a bad or dangerous skateboarding experience to your children.
Other things to think about getting are skateboard video games. The video games help them learn more about how to do and recognize tricks and gear. If you want to get a game here are some to look at… skate 1….skate 2…skate 3….any of the tony hawk’s games. They all help. If your beginner skateboarder is a determined skateboarder try skateboard movies. An easy gift is a gift card to a local skate shop. A good store to get a gift card from is WEST 49.
A serious skateboarder needs serious skate shoes! Get some ideas, or ask the skater you are shopping for what brands they like, and go from there! Skate shoes can end up costing quite a bit, but they are worth it. Most skate shoes have features and extras that help specifically with skateboarding. So if you know a skater who's using tennis shoes, skate shoes could be a perfect gift!
Every skater wants cool ramps to ride on and rails to grind and slide on - plus, besides giving your skater a great place to practice, you help protect them from instead trying something beyond their ability! If your skater doesn't have his or her own ramps or rails, and you don't have time or skill enough to build them, these are perfect gift ideas. Visit your local skate shops and sporting goods stores
Helmets, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards - all of this protective skateboarding gear is helpful, and if your new or beginner skateboarder doesn't have the right stuff on when he or she crashes, it can get pretty painful! And remember, most skateboarding helmets are designed to take one good hit, and then be replaced, so this might be a good time to replace your skater's protection gear.